Important Deadlines Ahead for RYS™ Applications | OREO YOGA ACADEMY

Important Deadlines Ahead for RYS™ Applications2020.02.27

こんにちは、OREO YOGA ACADEMYの福田でございます。


Yoga Alliance™ is currently undergoing an important evolution as it continues its work in supporting the high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga. As such, we want to ensure all members and potential members are fully informed about these changes in order to best support you and your livelihood. Two such changes take effect February 27 that affect you: 1) the strengthened application and review process, and 2) the up-leveled standards underling the RYS™ 200 credential.

現在ヨガアライアンスは良質で安全、アクセスの良い公平なヨガティーチングサポートを引き続き提供するため日々成長を遂げています。そのため、すべてのメンバーさまと将来的メンバー様としっかり変更事項などの情報共有を行い、(将来的メンバー様含めた)皆さま自身とその生活の最善サポートを確実に実行していきたいと思っております。さっそく2つの変更事項が 2月27日から始まり、皆さまにも影響していきます。


2:もう一段階をいくRYS™️ 200資格スタンダード

Strengthened Application and Review Process 


We have developed an enhanced application process that includes a more advanced application platform to provide for greater shared accountability within our membership, ensuring the quality and safety of Yoga Alliance RYS programs.


If you began the RYS application and wish to submit with the information already entered within the current application process, please do so prior to 11:59pm ET on February 26. After this date and time, you will have to begin your application again, re-entering any and all information and applying under the strengthened application and review process.


If you began to enter your application but are not ready to submit before February 27, you can download and save the information you’ve entered in your yoga teacher training program application syllabus by follo


If you are not yet a Yoga Alliance member, select “School”.
現時点でヨガアライアンス メンバーでない場合は “スクール” を選択

  • If you are a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT™) but have not yet submitted a school application, scroll down, and select “Create or Renew a School”.

  • If you already have an RYS and are submitting an application for another program, select “School Dashboard”, “Manage School”, and then “Teacher Training Programs and Syllabi”.
  • すでにRYSをお持ちでその他別プログラムに申し込みをされる場合は“スクールダッシュボード” → “スクールの管理” → “講師トレーニングプログラムとシラバス”を選択

  • Select “Continue Application”.
  • “申し込みを続行する”を選択

Proceed to Step 4 of the application, and select “Edit Syllabus”. 

  • Select “Print Syllabus”. 
  • “シラバスをプリントする”を選択

Up-Leveled Standards Underlying the RYS 200 Credential


As you may already know, Yoga Alliance recently underwent an 18-month Standards Review Project, which reviewed its standards underlying the RYS 200 credential to ensure they best support the yoga community in the rapidly changing world around us. The outcome of this review resulted in a significant enhancement to the standards underlying this foundational school-based credential, which will provide consistency across RYS 200 programs and build confidence in the quality and safety of the yoga we deliver to our communities. 

ご存知の通り、ヨガアライアンスは最近になりRYS200資格のスタンダードを急速に変化する世界の中でヨガコミュニティ最善サポートを約束するため、18ヶ月間のStandards Review Projectを実施いたしました。

このレビューを行なった結果、RYS200 プログラムに一貫性を保つこと、ヨガコミュニティに安全と質が伴うヨガを胸を張ってお届けできるようスクール拠点の基礎資格が元となるスタンダードの強化が大幅に達成されたことがわかりました。

If you are interested in completing an application for an RYS 200 credential under the current standards, you must submit the application no later than 11:59pm ET on February 26. Any application for a new RYS 200 credential after this date is subject to review according to the new RYS 200 standards (in addition to the strengthened application and review process mentioned previously). To learn more about the enhanced standards underlying the RYS 200 credential, including a comparison of the current vs. new RYS 200 standards, click here.  

現スタンダードによるRYS 200資格の申し込みに興味がある方は、2月26日の

Thank you for your interest in registering a yoga teacher training program with Yoga Alliance. Again, we appreciate your commitment to the high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable yoga teaching that our credentials represent across the globe. 

ヨガアライアンスとヨガ講師トレーニングプログラム登録へのご興味持っていただき、誠にありがとうございます。皆さまには、私どもが世界中に広めてい る良質で安全、アクセスの良い公平なヨガティーチング資格に多大なるお力添えをいただき感謝するばかりでございます。

For more information about the RYS standards, application process, and new enhancements, please visit Should you have any additional questions, our Member Support team is available Monday through Thursday from 10am–6pm ET, and Friday from 10am–5pm ET at 1-888-921-YOGA (9642) and via email at  

RYSスタンダード・申し込みプロセス・新しく導入された強化制度のどれか又は全てについて詳しい情報をお求めの方はyogaalliance.orgからご参照いただけます。また何か違った件で質問等ございましたら私どものメンバーサポートチームが月曜日~木曜日10am-6pm、金曜日10am-5pm (どちらも米国の東部標準時)対応可能ですので、お電話1-888-921-YOGA(9642)又はEメールinfo@yogaalliance.orgまでお連絡いただきますようお願いいたします。


