【メール翻訳】 From the President & CEO, Shannon Roche 2020年1月1日 | OREO YOGA ACADEMY

【メール翻訳】 From the President & CEO, Shannon Roche 2020年1月1日2020.01.04

みなさま、明けましておめでとうございます。OREO YOGA ACADEMYの福田でございます。本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

全米ヨガアライアンスのCEO Shannon Rocheより新年の挨拶メールが配信されましたので翻訳を掲載いたします。大変濃い内容のメールとなっておりますので、RYS保有スクールおよびRYT保有者のみなさまはぜひご一読くださいませ。


Dear Member,

Happy New Year’s Eve from Arlington, VA (USA)!



Since Yoga Alliance has members all across the globe, some of you may have already entered into 2020 while others of you may have a few more hours still until the new year.

Regardless, as our team at Yoga Alliance reflects on this past year, 2019 – like 2018 before it – has been notable for several new efforts to connect with you more directly, including this monthly letter. Thanks to the thoughtful responses that many of you have shared, this space has become one of the things I most look forward to each month, and I am excited to continue and grow our connection in 2020.



As is custom with the closing of any chapter, our team has been reflecting on the growth and challenges we’ve encountered over the past twelve months. Throughout all of these reflections, the consistent sentiment that arises for me is gratitude for our community’s commitment to uplifting and supporting high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga. 

Yoga Alliance has kept at the core of this work an intention to grow its community to reflect unity in yoga more completely and to support Registered Yoga Schools’ (RYSs) and Registered Yoga Teachers’ (RYTs) livelihoods and abilities to share yoga’s teachings with all who wish to practice.



With all of this in mind and heart, I’d like to reflect on a few of our key moments from 2019 in service to and collaboration with you:


・Our community-led Standards Review Project (SRP) came to life. 

With roots beginning in 2018, we concluded an 18-month comprehensive study designed to enhance and strengthen our credentials for the purpose of better serving you, our member, and the broader yoga community. In addition to previously published work, in April, we released the deeply thoughtful feedback we gleaned from working groups of experts within and outside of yoga. This feedback addressed essential areas of inquiry – such as scope of practice, code of conduct, teacher and teacher trainer qualifications, and online learning – to clearly articulate much of the “how”, “what”, and “why” underlying the enhancements to our credentialing standards.

・コミュニティ主導のStandards Review Project(SRP)が実現しました。


・In June, we announced up-leveled standards for the RYS 200 credential. 

These improvements incorporated the input of thousands from around the globe – from various working groups to those who joined us at the numerous listening tours and town halls, to community members who participated in the community-wide survey (more than 12,000 of you responded – thank you!). These up-leveled standards included an hours competencies-based model, a common core curriculum across four categories and twelve competencies, and stronger requirements for RYS 200 Lead Trainers to ensure that those training the next generation of yoga teachers are doing so from a place of breadth and depth.

・6月、RYS 200の上位レベルの標準を発表しました。

これらの改善には、さまざまなワーキンググループの方々、数多くのリスニングツアーやタウンホール、コミュニティ内調査に参加したメンバー(回答者数12,000人以上!)に協力頂きました。上位レベルの標準には、時間 コンピテンシーベースのモデル、4つのカテゴリと12のコンピテンシーに共通のコアカリキュラム、およびRYS 200リードトレーナーに対する厳しい要件が含まれ、次世代のヨガ教師へのトレーニングが確実に行われます。

・We engaged in both wider and deeper conversation with our members and the broader yoga community. 

The SRP was just the beginning of a new approach to community relationships and dialogue for Yoga Alliance. The input you shared set the foundation for all of our work in this past year, and your willingness to engage with us has set the stage for what is to come in 2020. We cannot thank you enough for your involvement – please keep it coming in the new year ahead!



・Yoga Alliance partnered with the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS). 

As of December, IYNAUS holds both the RYS 200 and RYS 300 credentials, and U.S. Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) have the option now of joining Yoga Alliance as RYTs. The Iyengar lineage has long reflected our shared commitment to high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable yoga teaching, and we’re thrilled to invite Iyengar teachers to join our community.


12月の時点で、IYNAUSはRYS 200とRYS 300の両方の資格を保持しており、米国公認のアイアンガーヨガティーチャー(CIYT)は、ヨガアライアンスにRYTとして参加するオプションがあります。アイエンガーは長い間、質の高く、安全で、アクセスしやすく、公平な教育を与えると私たちと共通の認識を持っており、アイアンガーの教師を私たちのコミュニティに招待することに興奮しています。

With 2020 around the corner, Yoga Alliance will draw upon the momentum and energy sparked by these initiatives to reach higher in integrity, inquiry, equity, unity, and seva (service) in support of yoga. Here’s what we’re working on for 2020 and what you can look forward to:

ヨガアライアンスは、2020年を目前に、これらのイニシアチブによって引き起こされた勢いとエネルギーを利用して、ヨガをサポートする誠実さ、探求、公平性、団結、およびセヴァ(サービス)を高めます。 2020年に取り組んでいること、そしてあなたが期待できることは次のとおりです。

・The standards underlying the RYS 200 go into effect beginning in late February. 

You can review these changes and any new application requirements for your RYS’ renewal, and/or the creation of a new RYS 200, on our website. More than two years in the making, this milestone will modernize the structures that allow us to remain a self-governing community and represent a new era in our shared commitment to high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable yoga teaching.

・RYS 200の基礎となる規格は、2月下旬に施行されます。

これらの変更と、RYSの更新や新しいRYS 200の作成のための新しいアプリケーション要件は、当社のWebサイトで確認できます。このマイルストーンは、作成から2年以上が経ち、私たちが自治的なコミュニティであり続けるための構造を構築し、質の高く、安全で、アクセスしやすく、公平な教育を与えるという私たちの目標を実現するものとなります。

・Yoga Alliance’s new shared ethical commitment comes to life —

 also coming in late February — for all of its members. This ethical commitment, which includes a new Scope of Practice, an updated Code of Conduct, and a shared commitment to equity in yoga, will aid in fostering quality and safety in yoga teaching with an awareness of and responsibility to actively consider how to welcome any who desire to practice.



・We will elevate community-wide conversations on key issues that are shaping the ways in which we work – 

specifically on the question of “What is yoga?” and the critical topics of equity and of power and empowerment in yoga.



・In June 2020, we will announce the enhanced standards underlying our RYS 300 and RYS 500 credentials 

based on the second phase of the SRP, which included an additional member survey as well as task forces specific to these professional-level school credentials.

・2020年6月に、SRPの第2フェーズに基づいて、RYS 300およびRYS 500の資格情報の基礎となる標準を発表します。


・We will also unveil a revamped section of our website dedicated to evidence-based research on yoga’s efficacy. 

While we are deeply acquainted with the impact a yoga practice can have on one’s life, this biomedical, science-based research will allow us to speak about this impact in a different “language” in the hopes of sharing yoga’s teachings and benefits more broadly.



・Finally, our membership will see the relaunch of the Yoga Alliance Foundation. 

Designed to leverage yoga for social impact and foster an expansive, accessible, and equitable yoga community, the reimagined Yoga Alliance Foundation is developing programs that are designed to broaden access to yoga's healing potential; foster greater equity and diverse representation in the community; and expand educational, service, and economic opportunities for yoga teachers.



Admittedly, like so many facets of life, this work often takes longer, moves more slowly, and follows a more winding path than we initially expected or wanted – and we can’t say “thank you” enough for your continued engagement and commitment. Your thoughtful notes and messages in response to this letter and elsewhere fuel our mission and my personal commitment to all Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Alliance Foundation endeavors. Again, my sincere thanks.


Wherever you reside across the globe, and however you celebrate the turn of the decade, I wish you and yours peace, joy, and safety. Thank you for your ongoing service you offer humanity through your teaching. I will see you here in the new year!


As a note, due to the incoming New Year and holidays, our Member Services team is currently at home celebrating. Our offices will reopen on Thursday, January 2 at 10am ET when we will resume normal hours. To contact us, call 1-888-921-YOGA (9642) or email info@yogaalliance.org.

お知らせとして、来年の新年と祝日のため、メンバーサービスチームは現在自宅で祝っています。当社のオフィスは、通常の営業時間を再開する1月2日木曜日の東部時間午前10時に再開されます。お問い合わせは、1-888-921-YOGA(9642)に電話するか、info @ yogaalliance.orgにメールしてください。


