March Member Newsletter | OREO YOGA ACADEMY

March Member Newsletter2020.04.03

こんにちはOREO YOGA ACADEMYの福田でございます。
ヨガアライアンスのCEOのShannon Rocheからメールの翻訳しましたので、ぜひご覧くださいませ。

Dear Member,

Globally, we all have a watchful eye on the growing spread and changing implications of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. Yoga Alliance continues to monitor this situation closely, and our highest priority and concern are for the health and safety of our members and the broader yoga community—and your local communities—as we deal with this increasing health emergency.


Many of you have shared with us that you are facing tough decisions—do you cancel or postpone your active or upcoming teacher training programs? Do you reduce the number of students you allow in your classes to increase social distancing? Do you empower your teachers to ask—or do you as a teacher ask—students to leave if they show symptoms of a virus? Do you move away from natural cleaning agents to a bleach-based disinfectant? How do you educate responsibly without fueling unnecessary fear?


It is our goal to support you in your profession of yoga training and yoga teaching in an effort to foster high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable yoga. The experience of this challenging time continues to remind me of two principles that I know to be so central to this community: first, that we are all—truly and unequivocally—intertwined, and second, that for this reason and so many others, there is immeasurable benefit to a committed yoga practice. Your work and the service you offer to your community are more important than ever in these moments—thank you. We are honored to support you.


1、 わたしたちは皆真に繋がっている。



Thank you to the many members who shared with us tips as well as suggestions for resources that they would find helpful. We have added many of them to the COVID-19 resources page created last week for you to leverage as you move forward with some of these tough decisions. We will continue to develop and source more resources as this situation unfolds; for example, we have created a temporary provision for our current RYS programs to offer contact hours in a virtual format now until April 13 and will be re-assessing this on a weekly basis. RYS members have received a separate email from us with details about this provision; you can learn more about this in that email as well as on Tuesday, March 17 during one of two Facebook Live sessions (10am or 6pm ET).

この状況に応じて非常に役立つアドバイスや提案をしてくださった多くの皆さまに感謝いたします。先週難しい決断をするプロセスの前進に向けて皆さまに活用していただくためCOVID-19 resources page(コロナウイルス情報ページ)の作成をいたしました。
RYSメンバーさまには、この一時的規定の詳細について別途メールを送らせていただきました。そちらのメールで詳細をご覧いただくか3月17日火曜日に行われるフェイスブック Live セッション(アメリカ東部標準時間の10am6pmでもオンラインフォーマットについて詳しい情報などご覧いただけます。

My hope is that you find this useful. Please continue to send us suggestions for resources that would be helpful to you in this moment as well as the actions you are taking in your own communities; we will share both with the broader community. As always, we can be reached at


Our thoughts are with all of you across the globe as we work to adapt to the changing circumstances we face as a global community. Thank you for the refuge and peace you offer your communities.



